
Fantastic notion definition
Fantastic notion definition

fantastic notion definition

However, fear is not an essential component of fantastique. A good deal of fear is often involved, either because the characters are afraid or because the author wants to provoke fright in the reader. The Fantastique is often linked to a particular ambiance, a sort of tension in the face of the impossible. This refusal may be mixed with doubt, disbelief, fear, or some combination of those reactions. Instead, characters in a work of fantastique are, just like the readers, unwilling to accept the supernatural events that occur. In this respect, the fantastique is somewhere between fantasy, where the supernatural is accepted and entirely reasonable in the imaginary world of a non-realist narrative, and magic realism, where apparently supernatural phenomena are explained and accepted as normal. It evokes phenomena which are not only left unexplained but which are inexplicable from the reader's point of view. What is distinctive about the fantastique is the intrusion of supernatural phenomena into an otherwise realist narrative. ( December 2016) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message) Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. This section needs additional citations for verification.

fantastic notion definition

JSTOR ( January 2012) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message).This article needs additional citations for verification.

Fantastic notion definition